Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hand me my Hanzo

Well, I finally did it and told my ex about my unemployment. While none of his business, I will need to adjust the child support agreement accordingly.  Quiet frankly, I'm terrified which is why I waited nine months to get  this adjusted...actually, it's more pride and fear mixed.  Ever since I left Chad, I've strived to become independent and achieved that goal with my job as a Physician Scribe in the emergency room making more money then I had in my adult career.  Suddenly, it all changed last December and I've been struggling (but succeeding) ever since.  I pray to the Gods to give me a glimmer of hope that I will return to that status; for now, I'm tired and sore.

After talking with Chris, the crazy cat lady, last night about our comebacks to blogging. She told me about NaNoWriMo short for National Novel Writers Month. Leave it to Chris to introduce me to something obscure and wonderful as this.  NaNo, in short, is a writing project for people who are like me and love to write.  I consider myself O.K. and love when a story flows from my brain to my paper, computer, etc. I'm creating something like a painter or a composer.  I have chosen a story that I started about 4 years ago as a challenge to write a historical fiction which happens to be one of my favorite genres.  Most of my muses come to me in the form of dreams. Sadly, I have only finished one and that was due to the ladies I was writing for begging me to finish.  While I felt that itch to start writing again, I find this project comes at a fortuitous moment.  I was up until 1am reading, editing, and researching second century Roman history to flush out characters more and change ideas about plot to make them more believable.  It feels good to write again.

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